The ECPGR Eggplant Database
Botanical and Experimental Garden, Radboud University Nijmegen, 
Toernooiveld 11, 6525 ED Nijmegen, 
The Netherlands
Tel: ++ (31)  24 365 2883 Fax: ++ (31) 24 365 3290

Former database managers: Gerard Barendse and Gerard van der Weerden

From August 2019 the ECPGR Eggplant Database is hosted by CGN. The data are available as Excel file.


The European Database for Eggplant has been developed within the framework of EGGNET (EGGplant genetic resources NETwork), a project funded by the European Union. The project was coordinated by Ms. Marie-Christine Daunay, Unité de génétique & amélioration des fruits et légumes, INRA, Montfavet, France.
The Eggplant database has been created and maintained by the Nijmegen participants in EGGNET.  For further information about the development of the Eggplant database and corresponding on-line search facilities, please contact the database managers.
The platform independent search pages and different output formats have been developed by the database managers Gerard Barendse and Gerard van der Weerden in collaboration with Martijn Bellemakers (project manager), Boudewijn Janssen (programmer) and Jan Rijnders (adviser).   

Database access Further information
Download the EGGPLANT database in Excel (export 2014) EURISCO-EGGPLANT multipassport descriptors
Online search of the EGGPLANT database (not available anymore)
Online search of related SOLANACEAE databases (not available anymore)
Online literature search of the Nijmegen SOLANACEAE bibliography (not available anymore)

Page last updated by NIJMEGEN: April 2005 / Frank Menting (CGN) August 2019
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