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Flower EU project AIR3 - CT920463

"The location and exploitation of genes for pest and disease resistance in European gene bank collections of horticultural Brassicas"


The AIR3 - CT920463 project, which started in 1993, was funded by the Commission of the European Communities Directorate-General for Agriculture DGVI FII.3.
The project aimed to facilitate the development of pest and disease resistant crops through the identification of useful genes among germplasm collections of Brassica oleracea

Specific objectives:


Creation of a core collection of the Brassica oleracea gene pool (BOCC)
To make the gene pool accessible for resistance screening in this project, a core collection (BOCC), was developed in the first year of the project, using information available in the Bras-EDB (the 1993 version). (Boukema et al., 1997). In this The 410 accessions in the core collection, representing the available range of crop types and ecogeographical locations, were donated by six genebanks. The accessions included in this core collection have been tagged in the Bras-EDB in a separate field and are also part of the search criteria. (Bras- EDB is on line searchable)

Evaluation for resistance to cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae)
410 accessions have been screened in for resistance to Cabbage aphid glasshouse experiments. (see diffusion of results) In these experiments 11 accessions were identified as moderately resistant, which were tested in the field. Plants of the following accessions: HRI 5555: (ARSIS RS F1), HRI 7547: (Furchenkohl) and HRI 9846: (Red on Green) and CGN14111: (Butzo) were considered to be the most promising kales on the basis of both aphid number and damage. These plants were used to make crosses to investigate inheritance. (Ellis et al, 1998)

Evaluation for resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora parasitica)
410 accessions have been screened for resistance to downy mildew at the cotyledon stage using isolates P501 and P502 from Portugal and P005 and P006 both from UK. (Coelho et al, 1998) The response to downy mildew was scored according to Leckie et al, 1996 (see diffusion of results) Forty-five accessions were identified as having some resistance. A selection of accessions has been screened in both cotyledon and adult stage. Four accessions were selected for further study as potentially useful new sources of resistance: HRI 4771 (Cavolo Vappicio Medio), HRI 555 (ARSIS RS F1), ISA 207 (Algarvia) and CGN 15149 (Halvhoj Kruset-Konserva).

Evaluation for resistance to white blister (Albugo candida)
410 accessions were tested at seedling stage, using isolates A001 and A501. The response to white blister was scored according to Leckie et al, 1996. (see diffusion of results) Fifty-two accessions had some resistance. Eight accessions showed good prospects of resistance to white blister, showing 43% to 89% of plants in the non-sporulating classes. Among these, HRI 5424, HRI 7824 and HRI 1155 revealed high potential as sources of resistance to A. candida.

Differential resistance to Peronospora parasitica and Albugo candida in Brassica oleracea. From the core collection 22 accessions were tested with 12 isolates of P. parasitica and 14 accessions were tested with 9 isolates of A. candida. Results are presented in Leckie et al. 1998.

Diffusion of results

The following data can be downloaded in Zipped Excel format.


Coelho, P., Bahcevandziev, K., Valério, L., Monteiro, A., Leckie, D., Astley, D., Crute, I.R. and Boukema, I. 1998. The relationship between cotyledon and adult plant resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora parasitica) in Brassica oleracea. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 459:335-342

Ellis, P.R., D.A.C. Pink, K. Phelps, P.L. Jukes, S.E. Breeds & A.E. Pinnegar 1998. Evaluation of a core collection of Brassica oleracea accessions for resistance to Brevicoryne brassicae, the cabbage aphid. Euphytica 103 (1998): 149-160

Leckie, D, Crute, I.R., Ellis, P.R., Pink, D.A.C., Boukema, I., Monteiro A.A.. Dias, J.S., 1996. The location and exploitation of genes for pest and disease resistance in European gene bank collections of horticultural Brassicas. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 407: 95 – 101.

Leckie, D., Cogan, N., Astley, D., Crute, I.R., Boukema, I., Santos, M., Bahcevandziev, K., Silva-Dias, J. and Monteiro, A.A. 1998. Differential resistance to Peronospora parasitica and Albugo candida in Brassica oleracea. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 459:357-362


  1. Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne United Kingdom
    I.R. Crute (coordinator), D. Leckie, D. Astley, D.A.C. Pink, P.R. Ellis

  2. Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal
    A.A. Monteiro and J.S. Dias

  3. Centre for Genetic Resources the Netherlands, Wageningen, the Netherlands
    I.W. Boukema

Acknowledgement / Disclaimer

This project has been carried out with financial support from the Commission of the European Communities Directorate-General for Agriculture. It does not necessarily reflect its view and in no way anticipates the Commission's future policy in this area. The publishers of this site cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, or for any damage or loss sustained as a result of use of information from this site.


Comments and questions to: Frank Menting.